Thursday, 3 February 2011

Let's talk about weather!

Hello friends!

We'd like to compare weather in different parts of the world.



  1. hello everyone is it a good day

  2. My name is James I live in manchester XD

  3. Hi my name is Elliott Scaife i live in manchester and i go Audenshaw High School and i think this weather we are having is terriable!

  4. hello my name is George and I go to audenshaw school in manchester :)

  5. Hi my name is Connor and i live in manchester via droylsden and the weather today is a bit chilly at this moment and time even though the sunshine is coming out of the clouds. However for the last few weeks it has been really cold and frosty and on the ground well it's frozen. about 1'oclock in the afternoon it will start to defrost

  6. hi i'm lloyd its quite dull hear it loks like it will rain

  7. Hi my name is Connor and i live in manchester the weather here is mostly cold and damp.But can sometimes be sunny to.The weather is still warm enought to play games like football in though.

  8. Hi I am Matthew,This winter our weather has not been very good, It has been wet, windy and very snowey (Just the usual), The weather right now is cloudy as usual

  9. It's cold but its warm with all my mate and mr.shanker in room 39!

  10. Hi my name is ryan and I am from audenshaw school and our weather isnt very good today and we have had a bit of rain :(

  11. George: Hi our weather over christmas has been strange, somedays it's been snowing up to our shins, but other days have been clear! :)

  12. James- ello :D its chilly in manchester :S

  13. hi my name is lloyd i live in manchester im 11 it was snowing in winter but it looks like it will rain i whent sledgeing when it snowed

  14. its cold but its better than scotland because they have got 70mph winds at the moment this is by Ross

  15. In winter it cold and there is lots of snow and we have snowball fights

  16. Hi everybody. My name is Kia and I live in Manchester, England. The weather here is horrible, It's miserable, cold ,wet and windy and we rarely see a ray of sunshine. However it is not all doom and gloom as we have recently been allowed time off school due to severe weather conditions. Hope to hear from you soon, KIA XXXX

  17. TOdays wetaher is also cold and i though there was rain but it was bright this morning and it starting to clear up

  18. James- Its chilly and cool and grey (the clouds) :) hope your weather is good XD

  19. Hi its me again with jack.W and my self Elliott i am 12 years of age i like my new school and it been a great time but very cold at 6:30 in the morring brrrr my birthday is 12 october 1998 and my primary school was Aldwyn and i read one of your blog and your winter was warm and hope you had a good time

  20. ello my name is jacob i live in manchster i am 11 year old and the weather is very cold and frostey

  21. James- We had LOADS of snow in the winter but then it died away :(

  22. The clouds are dark in the morning but clear up later on

  23. George: It's cold in manchester, but it'll probably brighten up later :)It's about 3 or 4 degrees

  24. James- It was Snowy at christmas But in manchester its normaly more hot in Spring than Summer :)

  25. Hi my name is Harry I go to audenshaw school in Manchester. I am in year 7 and I am 11 years old. At the moment it is rather chily and dull, it looks like it will be cloudy for the rest of the day and we won't see any sunshine. Also it may rain but luckily we are inside.

  26. hello im jack as you have heared from elliot its very cold and looks like its going rain and its very cloudy and im 11 years of age and i go audenshaw high school

  27. Hi my name is,Benluca and I live in Audenshaw Manchester,England.I am 11.

    Anyway the weather this winter was snowy for a while It was fun because we never usually get snow useually its just wet.In the spring its just very wet and we rarely get sun.In the summer we get some sun but not enough the rest is just rain.In the autum we get coldness but the suns useually out wich is good

    ,Ye,the weather is not that good.

  28. Hello Russia, my name is Toby and I am currently in Audenshaw high school and also, at this present time, it is extremely cold here in tameside.
    Even with this weather I am soooooooo glad that we aren't in winter anymore. It was unbelievably cold and we had snow almost allll season!
    It's cold, windy and rainy here in jolly old England and our temperature is only just above the 1 degree C mark!

  29. Hi it's Kia again. Ive just checked the weather and its about 3 or 4c

  30. Connor- sometimes it is very windy but mostly cold

  31. my name is lloyd i live in manchester i am 11. it hasnt been veary warm hear it was veary cold in winter it snowed it is about +3 degrees. it rained yesterday but it was warmer earleyer in the day.

  32. James - At the moment its Chilly frosty and cold but still a nice morning :)

  33. Hi my name is Nathan I am 12 years old and go to Audenshaw high school,I live in manchester,England home of the best team in the world Mancheter United.Now to the weather,
    It is always raining in Manchester at this time of year but it is a differant story in the summer.In summer it is scorching hotwith very little rain and when it does rain it is a great relief to everyone.On the other hand in the winter we wish the rain would stop because it is already to cold.Also there was a lot of snow causing the school to be closed for a few days(yeah)In the autum all of the trees lose there leaves and look bare but in the spring they get there leves back and Manchester becomes alot greener.:)

  34. its elliott and i got to say it been pritty warm soo far i am in geography with mr.shanker next to jack in room 39

  35. Connor -There is quite a bit of snow in winter and we have to be warm or we could get very cold and wet also we have loads of snowball fights

  36. Hi my name is Jordan.I live in Manchester England and I am at Audenshaw High school. It is about 1oC here and it is very cold and windy.

  37. Hello, my name is Sam and i live in Manchester, England and the weather here is very cloudy and looks like it will start to get rainy.

  38. Hi I am called Connor Barwin and I live in manchester also I am nearly 12 years old and for the last few weeks it has been snowy and damp and this week has been absourlutely freezing and the the ground is frozen all the time.Everyone has to be wrapped up because you don't know when it is going to rain

  39. Hello everybody Im Connor from audenshaw high school I am age 11 and I live im Manchester via Audenshaw here's the whether forcast.
    Today is very cold and it was frozen this morning it looks like it is going to rain around here. During the winter we had a lot of snow but probably not as much has Russia. All this week it has been raining and really dull. I hope you are all ok, whats the whether like over there
    Many Thanks

  40. James - Austrailia Have had a cyclone :O :S :(

  41. COnnor- rain is very common in manchester but eventulay we get used to it and it is mostly gloomy too

  42. hi its jack its very cloudy and windy here xxx

  43. Sam-what is the weather like in Russia?

  44. hi i am safian and all the people that are commenting they are my friends the weather is very glommy and dull
    asnd i live in ashton under lyne

  45. hi im dominic and i live in denton manchester and it's freezing

  46. I am elliott and i am here to tell you about the weather near Manchester City the Greatest team in the world its very snowey, rainy , dark, dull and not nice to look atall i think manchster is very cold bring on the summer if we're lucky bye xxx Elliott

  47. Benluca,Is your weather like ours or is it sunny?

  48. Hi my name is Nathan I am 12 years old and go to Audenshaw high school,I live in manchester,England home of the best team in the world Mancheter United.Now to the weather,
    It is always raining in Manchester at this time of year but it is a differant story in the summer.In summer it is scorching hotwith very little rain and when it does rain it is a great relief to everyone.On the other hand in the winter we wish the rain would stop because it is already to cold.Also there was a lot of snow causing the school to be closed for a few days(yeah)In the autum all of the trees lose there leaves and look bare but in the spring they get there leves back and Manchester becomes alot greener.:)

  49. Connor-hi im connor i live in manchester and here we have to use radiators and heating alot as it is cold and windy

  50. George: How is the weather in Russia:)

  51. Hi my name is Nathan I am 12 years old and go to Audenshaw high school,I live in manchester,England home of the best team in the world Mancheter United.Now to the weather,
    It is always raining in Manchester at this time of year but it is a differant story in the summer.In summer it is scorching hotwith very little rain and when it does rain it is a great relief to everyone.On the other hand in the winter we wish the rain would stop because it is already to cold.Also there was a lot of snow causing the school to be closed for a few days(yeah)In the autum all of the trees lose there leaves and look bare but in the spring they get there leves back and Manchester becomes alot greener.:)

  52. Hi I am matthew I live in Manchester in Glossop.
    The weather we have had this winter has not been the best we have had snow rain and allot of wind.
    we had one day off school for the snow (that was great). The usual weather here is rain sometimes
    we get some hot days. But when it rains it realy rains. Like yester day the rain was bouncing off the floor.

  53. Hi in manchester the temperature is 4°c. Ryan

  54. dominic
    i can't wate for the summer because it's so warm

  55. Its getting lighter now and not as chilly :)

  56. Hi it's Harry again, in the winter it was freezing, everyone had snowball fights and built snowmen, the snow went up to our shins so many people didn't go to work . Our school even closed for a day, after the snow cleared the roads were really icy and so barely anyone could go to work or school still.

  57. Hello again. Its Jordan from Audenshaw School.Its a bit chilly now and its getting lighter here which is strange because only a few minutes ago it was really cloudy. :)

  58. hi my name is josh i live in englans via denton the weather here is about 4'c and is cloudy and chillie and is just another day here but we did have a lot of snow in decembre would like to know how your weather is at your place.thank you

  59. Sam-rain is very common here and it is really cold:( but in the the summer it is really warm :)

  60. James- It was nice over the winter I played snowballs everyday it was snowy at th winter and clear at other times it was very strange :S

  61. Hi my name is Nathan I am 12 years old and go to Audenshaw high school,I live in manchester,England home of the best team in the world Mancheter United.Now to the weather,
    It is always raining in Manchester at this time of year but it is a differant story in the summer.In summer it is scorching hotwith very little rain and when it does rain it is a great relief to everyone.On the other hand in the winter we wish the rain would stop because it is already to cold.Also there was a lot of snow causing the school to be closed for a few days(yeah)In the autum all of the trees lose there leaves and look bare but in the spring they get there leves back and Manchester becomes alot greener.:)

  62. James- Is it always snowing in Russia?

  63. We haven´t had snow for a couple of weeks now - in Denmark. Not much rain either. Temperature is just above 4 degrees Celcius. We see days are getting longer for every day.

  64. Hi my name is Anders. In Denmark we don't have any snow right now, but it's still cold and it's very windy. I hope we will have a good summer this year.

  65. Hi I am Louise.
    In Denmark we have cold weather right now.
    And sometimes it's rain or blow very must.
    I love whit the sun is shining.

  66. Hi my name is Daniel.
    In denmark it cold and the sun is not shining.
    It just cold and grey.

  67. Hi My name is Maria.
    in Denmark the wind blows a lot
    and it is very cold.

  68. Hi! My name is Markus.
    In Denmark it's very cold.
    Not to much rain but still got a little wet outside.
    I hope it gets warm outside soon.

  69. Hi My name it's Kamilla
    In Denmark it is cold outside we did not get much rain.
    But we must hope that it will be a hot summer

    From Kamilla

  70. in Denmark it's very cold.
    and gray clouds and wet

  71. Hi! My name is Annebel.
    In Denmark the wind is blowing very hard, I hope the weather is going to be better tommorow.
    When I am cyckling to school.

  72. Hi.
    Here in Denmark we have a lot of rain.

  73. Hi everyone my name is Michella. Here in Denemark the weather is fine. The sun is shining, but it is pretty cold. Next week is our winter holliday and they say it will snow again.

  74. IN StLouis Missouri it is sunny and warm. The snow and ice from last week is all melting away.

  75. Just come back from a week's holiday in the Lake District....very wet and damp....ugh!

  76. Hello my name is Michella!

    The weather is very cold and there is some snow some places on the ground. I hope the sun is comming soon.
    What is the weather in your places.
    - Michella

  77. I live in the USA right now it is very cold and rainy
